Collages I Maculatures. Barcelona, Dau al Set, July 1954. 25 ; 17,8 cm. 12 p. text + 12 double page colour prints (mixed media wood-, lino- and material stencil prints). Original black cover with title in yellow and red.
Edited in 125 numbered and signed copies (this one not numbered nor signed). – “Aquest quadern fou enllestit a Barcelona et el 24 de juliol de 1954. Per la seva realitzacio han estat necessaris més de cent tiratges diferents. Els procediments utilizats en algunes de les impressions fan que cada de un dels exemplars no sigui del tot igual als altres i que, per tant, valgui per un original“. (This book was published in Barcelona on 24 July 1954. It took more than a hundred different printings to produce it. The procedures used in some of the printings mean that each of the copies is not entirely the same as the others and is therefore worth an original). (Imprint). – The text by Rabelais “Els Jocs de Gargantua“ (The Games of Gargantua) in Catalan. – Tharrats founded the group Dau al Set together with A. Tàpies, Juan Ponç and Modesto Cuixart in 1948. He occupies an important position in contemporary Spanish art. (Bénézit (1999), vol. 13, p. 562 in detail. – Impeccable copy of an exceptionally rare document of the Catalan avantgarde art of the post-war years. |